A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
~ Chinese Proverb
The breakfast nook in this home is perfect for viewing bird life. Our plan is to put up all our feeders so we can watch them from the window. On the wall leading to the kitchen area was a clock that elicits a bird call on the hour. Our friends removed it for us when they moved us in, probably thinking that we wouldn't like it. But we found it and are using it. My husband likes this clock and I think it cheers him to hear the little calls. And on the hour, every hour, we get to see George's response to the sounds of the clock which is always fun!
Looks as though you already have house guests in the bird house! Well, perhaps they already moved and flew my way!
Love that cheerful little birdhouse. I can't wait to see the bird photos you get... And I'm smiling to think of George and the clock... :)
I wish I could see George responding to the clock. In my mind it's hilarious!
I can't wait to see the bird photos you get.
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