I took my camera to work today and used the wonky lens that doesn't autofocus anymore. It worked inside! But once I took it outside into the wintry icy air, no worky. But I managed to get a few shots, regardless. I was working on them tonight, trying to decide which was best. It's going to end up in a framed print that we're giving to someone who is retiring. So no pressure here (not) to get it right.
This is a K-12 college preparatory school in Maryland. I've been here for 11 years and both of my sons graduated from here, in 2003 and 2005. It's a great place to work.
Wow. it's beautiful!
Just beautiful!
It is a beautiful building. I LOVE school buildings. I love the way they smell. Can you tell I am a teacher at heart?
Wouldn't mind going to school here. Beautiful building.
I love the brick ...
In the 1950s England had a habit of building a large number of schools in one style - deadly dull and boring. Seeing your school makes me wonder if the appearance of the school actually has an impact on attendance, student enthusiasm, etc. Worth a study I should think.
Schools in MS don't look like that. Very nice.
Lovely building...and you stole my post for tomorrow! well, not where I work but an interesting building!
AHA .. the wonky lens has cold issues .. my little P&S's battery thinks its depleted when the temps get low ... nice shot I am sure it will frame beautifully
What a beautiful building, lucky you.
What a cool looking building.
What a beautiful building!
what a beautiful place to work - great shot
AND you caught the moon! Yeah! smiles.
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