This was what my bedroom window looked like Saturday morning. I think it looks great. I love winter, and huddling under thick blankets to keep warm, wearing mittens and boots and scarves. Call me crazy, but it makes me happy. And then, there is always spring. Glorious.
Gives me a chill just looking at it. Cool - literally.
wow! very cool!
Your pictures are always so beautiful. I enjoy them sooooo much. Thank you. The frost gives me a chill just looking at it.
I love it, that is a cool picture!
Beautiful - your photos inspire me to do more of the unexpected.. Lovely shot!
Yes, I think it is THIS that makes spring even more glorious when it arrives, Lovely photo. Although if this was on my window, I sure wouldn't want to leave my comfy nest of flannel...
And you have a way of sharing it with us that makes it all that more appealing. Thank you.
What a beautiful photo.
I am loving how this looks but I have to say I am glad mine arent frosted over that way ...
Light on water, whether frozen or not, AND light thru glass (same principle) are always my favorite subjects...Kudos!
magical details - love this
Beautiful. Have you ever read about Snowflake Bentley?
I love the frosty window it looks like a wonderful painting.
~~ Love hugs and Good Thoughts~~
so glad you see the beauty ...
I wish we could bottle your attitude. We'd be RICH!
Although I love the photo because of the unique patterns of the ice, I hate winter. Hate is a strong word and I mean it to the hilt!
Great photography. Love your work.
Beautiful photo. I'm glad you captured and shared it!
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