George as a puppy at about 2 1/2 months old. I was looking at old photos of horses from back when we used to live at Northview Stallion Station and came across this one in the files. And it made me smile. Taken with my old Sony Cybershot. Char said, "that intense stare that he's grown into!"...indeed! ...was puppycutieness leading to squirrelwarriorness, YAAAY!! (apologies to all squirrels.)
Since I adopted my Isla-dawg from rescue at two years of age, I never got to witness her puppiness. In an odd sort of way, I actually mourn not having that time with her. That precious time is a treasure...and you have it in photographs with George! Such a BLESSING!
My name is Kate. I live in Maryland with a border collie named George in an old manor house that predates the Revolutionary War. I began this blog in 2007 to share my photography with my family and friends. Welcome.
Aren't Border Collies just the BEST? We have one that will be four in a month, and we adore her. Have a blessed week, and thanks for sharing!
Awwwwww so cute.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~
Omigosh, how adorable!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh...he's so cute! :)
He is a darling. His markings are perfect!
Huggsss to George!
that intense stare that he's grown into! :) such a cutie
Very cute and adorable. Hugs and kisses to George. Char said, "that intense stare that he's grown into!"...indeed! ...was puppycutieness leading to squirrelwarriorness, YAAAY!! (apologies to all squirrels.)
Since I adopted my Isla-dawg from rescue at two years of age, I never got to witness her puppiness. In an odd sort of way, I actually mourn not having that time with her. That precious time is a treasure...and you have it in photographs with George! Such a BLESSING!
"Hi George!"
My dog Country is Australian Shephard and Border Collie. Her color is Aussie - blue merle. Her shape is border collie.
If she was colored like George they would have had the same body shape at this age.
I'll have to try and find a pic of her. That was before my digital.
What a cute little fur ball George was! Just adorable!
Oh he was so cute .. he is so handsome now ..
Adorable pup, that George!
I. Cannot. Stand. It!
he is just too precious! his eyes melt my heart.
I see he's never outgrown his intensity. That's a steady gaze he has there!
He is SO cute. Have a nice weekend.
He was a beautiful baby! And has grown into such a handsome young man! I LOVE George!
OH MY GOSH...there is nothing cuter than a puppy and nothing cuter that George the puppy!
All together now, "AWWWwwwwww". I love George. He, even as a pupster, was so expressive in his eyes.
Thanks for sharing.
I love this weekly dose of George...he's so cute!...looking forward to the next dose!
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