Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cat nap on a rainy day

Cat nap
Blackie asleep on the guest bed. Apologies to all visitors who have slept in this bed, but this is what happens when you're not here.
PW's Seventies action, lowered opacity (cat brushed off)
TRA's Yin/Yang (lightened cat)
SkeletalMess' Softly Aged Sepia texture, overlay @ around 60%


Betty said...

Such a pretty kitty. If I were to visit he could sleep on the bed with me.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

Kerri Farley said...

What a lovely picture! Blackie has a special place in my heart...along with George!

Mental P Mama said...

It's as it should be....

Char said...

love that coverlet (I have it too)

sweet photo of this pretty baby

DesertHen said...

Beautiful cat! And a cat nap on a rainy day sounds wonderful!!

Arlene said...

Oh my I may need a nap now! Great Picture Kate!

Beth said...

Beautiful cat!

Debbie said...

I love this photo....wonderful processing.

Darlene said...

Great photo and the same in my house. I just took photos of my cat asleep on my bathrobe on the floor. A gloomy rainy day here also.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

What a life. In my next life I so want to be a cat.

A New England Life said...

I love a good cat nap. Blackie has the run of the house, as a cat should!

Phin and I take cat naps together as often as time will permit ; )

Scriptor Senex said...

I don't see why you need to apologise. Perhaps your guests should be apologising for using Blackie's bed when they stay...

Cindy said...

What they don't know won't hurt them! A little cat hair can be expected. Lovely cat!

Mary said...

Oh what a cutie!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Cats rule!

Ramakrishnan said...

Serene cat completely at peace with herself !

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Gorgeous! And I wouldn't mind sleeping on the bed at all...matter of fact, I'd welcome that beauty!

ELK said...

they ALL do that...just sayin!

Daryl said...

She is so lovely ... reminds me a bit of Gustopher ...

Carolynn Anctil said...

I would want Blackie to be there when I WAS sleeping in the bed. So gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet kitty. I have a "tuxedo cat", very spoiled of course! She loves to lie in the sun on a blanket as well.