So there I was, working on a puzzle and minding my own business. And I look outside and see this squirrel, brazenly sitting on the top of the hook and keeping all the birds away. So of course, I had to get the camera. And this is a small collection of the shots I took. Please remember that I took these photos through a window, hence the blur.
If you'd like to view more offerings of Mosaic Monday, please visit my friend Mary at {Little Red House}. Thanks for hosting, Mary.
It is a wonderful mosaic Kate. That squirrel looks like the same one that was on my feeders today.
Beautiful shots and that cardinal is perfect against the branches.
I must say the squirrels here destroy any birdfeeder trying to get the seed out as quickly as possible. They actually chew through any wood or plastic and then all the seed falls out the opening onto the ground.
They are lucky they are so darned cute.
How cute!
m ^..^
What a fun mosaic!
Beautiful shots, Kate! That squirrel looks cute. Love the cardinal too. Your backyard seems like a haven for critters. :)
I have been doing the same thing this week, those squirrels are too cheeky but you have to smile at them, beautiful mosaic, Happy New Year, Kathy
you always amaze me with your photos.
Wow--what a super place for me to spend some time!
What a super mosaic--Happy New Year to you! Best wishes in 2010!
Wonderful mosaic, the squirrels are brazen!
Aren't squirrels amazing..how little regard they show the poor birds...it's like they're claiming their territory. Great mosaic...hope you have a grand week!
I love the squirrel.
Nice mosaic. Your George is a real sweetie.
Beautiful!! What program do you use? Love the way you mixed the photos with the fonts and Type.
Stop by if you get a chance--
TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥
What a little stinker! Look at him just posing like it owns the place!! Super cute.
Thanks, all. Cloudia, I made this one in Photoshop. I often use Big Huge Labs but just wanted to do my own this week. The text and the brush is also PS.
Too cute!
I like the way they use their little hands ...
oh i especially love the little cardinal in the branches...great mosaic
Great Photos!!! As usual!! Thank you!!
Wonderful mosaic, its hard to take pictures on squirrels, they are so fast :)
Beautiful as usual - even thru the window!
Oh it's a LOVELY mosaic. I think I've been feeding the squirrels more than the birds....they are quite hungry this time of year...and are ALWAYS in my feeders.
Hope you have a fabulous Monday!
Wonderful mosaic and now I'm wanting Photoshop even more...this is quite artistic!!!
Aw, I just love this one!!! On our walk around the neighborhood yesterday we noticed all the birds flying around nervously. Then we came upon a red-tailed hawk who had just taken a rabbit. Yikes.
I love the font in your mosaic. Beautiful! I've got to learn how to make a mosaic in PS.
I love your wildlife pictures. They are free entertainment in the backyard. Valerie
What a character that squirrel is!
Oh those %$^%$^%$&^% squirrels!!!! It's a good thing they are so cute!
Love the mosaic. Very cute.
Pretty ballsy squirrel .... I guess you serve primo bird food ... excellent shots!
You feed your squirrels well - we have to trap ours and take them to the park, we have so many of them! Great photos as always.
PS. Sorry, I signed in under my OLD BLOG account! This is my current account (FYI!!!!!!)
you are so darn creative!!!
I have a love/hate relationship with squirrels. They are rascals around the bird feeders! Great shots.
Stunning series of photos.
What a nice group of friends to start the new year off with! Love the way that squirrel's tail loops around!
wow you are so lucky to have such a rich varity of wildlife in your backyard.
What a wonderful furry and feathered mosaic!
Love this - love your blog!
I did a blog earlier in the year about a cheeky squirrel we have in our garden too, his name is Steven and he constantly taunts our English Springer Spaniel - Chester, it's too funny! :)
Great pictures, as always! Have a happy week!
Great shots! I see no blur! Amazing you have all that wildlife with George around. ;)
Lovely shots of rodents behaving badly. :) I especially like the shot of the cardinal.
Nice pic,cool squirrels so cute,Beautiful mosaic kate,keep on posting new photos,cause i love to see animals who live freely in this earth,I care about wildlife,For more info visit here.visit here.
So pretty mosaic cat! Adorable photo!
Hi Kate!
This is a beautiful mosaic! I love the colour of it...so natural.
Ive tried to register on mister linky to make my own but it keeps telling me to put in a correct url and to me that is my blogspot address..I dont know what my url is or how to find out. Any idea and is this the only way to make a mosaic? Or do you know of another widget? Thanks Kate and thanks for your lovely comment on my ginger cookies photo!
I wrote you back but I guess I put it underneath your comment..you probably didnt receive it..lol Im still learning...
Have a nice day!
With all my heart,
Deborah <3
Deborah, I can't write you back because you haven't enabled your e-mail address to be seen by me. I wanted to go into detail but won't here. URL means Uniform Resource Locator. Try putting http:// in front of your www. address. That should do the trick.
~ C.G.
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