I wouldn't eat this, if I were you. I tried one on Tuesday and woke up Wednesday on the corner of South Street and 3rd in Philadelphia, wearing a tutu and a motorcycle helmet. At least I blended in with the locals . . .
I'm not very clever at all when it comes to naming my posts, especially with this photo blog. But I'm fine with it. I just love these colors and wanted to share them with you. It's what I'm doing on my week vacation: just staying at home, tidying up the new place, running errands, walking George and taking photographs.
Naughty Mr. Rooster here is not permitted on the display shelves at the local garden center. But before they could shoo him off, he deigned to pose for one or two photos for a customer who just happened to have her camera with her. Um, that would be me.
Beautiful day in Pennsylvania yesterday. Saw this rose down by the gate at the entrance to the farm and it reminded me of something very old-fashioned. I don't know why. It wanted to have its picture taken.
What is it about little girls and ponies? It's been a love affair through the ages, hasn't it? My niece, Colleen, was enthralled with the ponies and the horses in the barn when she visited last weekend and I couldn't resist sharing one more picture.
I couldn't resist posting this picture in the cropped and larger version of the one I posted yesterday on my regular blog. I love these fine feathered friends, don't you?
My in-laws came to visit yesterday, bringing our niece (their granddaughter), Colleen out as well. The heat was much, but not unbearable enough that we couldn't take a walk. We kept to the shade as much as possible and stopped by one of the sheds to say hello to some horses. I liked the silvery, muted colors in this shot.
There are 4 miniature donkeys on the farm where we've just moved and two of them got very close to the fence to meet George. They seem pretty friendly to me and George seemed very interested. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone. Hope you're keeping cool.
I saw this Queen Anne's lace while driving home yesterday, so I pulled over and picked a bunch of it. I put it in a vase when I got home and liked it so much that I decided to preserve it forever with a picture. Some may call it a weed, but I've always liked its graceful blooms.
I took this picture last Friday, on the morning of our scheduled move from Maryland. This is the last sunrise I will see over my beloved pond. Not to worry, though, for I've captured it for eternity now. You are invited to see all the Skywatch Pictures here at Tom Wigley & friends' new Skywatch site. If you have a little time, please go on over and check out what others see from their vantage points all around the world!
Took a walk after dinner with my son and George. It's so beautiful here. These were growing along the fence at the gate. They're beautiful, aren't they?
Or am I outstanding in my field? Either way, I took this picture on Saturday while I was taking a walk with George at our new place. Found this cow and I think it's a Hereford. Maybe Jeannelle can help me out here. Regardless, it's beautiful here in Pennsylvania. And I am happy.
At my new home, blackberry bushes are all around, if I remember correctly. But hopefully, we'll also have some of these. Have you tried them? They're a different taste and I love these berries. What's that? You didn't know that I've moved from Maryland? Looks like you've got some checking up to do. If you're so inclined.
Yeah, I don't know where that post title came from. It's the middle of the night and I just looked at the clock and cannot believe it's a quarter to 1. I'm moving this weekend and I'm getting posts ready to autopost until my internet service is hooked up at the new place. See how much I slave at this? I took this picture in late February and they just looked like they were good friends. I was playing with borders a lot back then, because I'd just learned how to do them.
It's such a cliche, isn't it, to be pretty in pink? So forgive me for the title post, but this cyclamen was just what I needed when I brought it home this past winter. I photographed it with my macro lens and my new Ott light. By the time I'd get home from work in the afternoon and take the dog for his walk, it was already dark. That's where the Ott light came in handy.
I took this photo on a morning in late April. I loved waking up and seeing views like this outside my front door and I'm going to miss this particular one very much.
Yep, that's my dog there, leaping up and catching the frisbee. I took this picture a few weeks ago and George has gotten even better at catching them since then. Today he turns a year old. Readers are urged to visit Tom Wigley's site and check out all the Skywatch Friday entries. Tom lives in England and hosts the weekly Skywatch on Fridays. Thanks, Tom!
This little one is sticking close to his mother. I took this picture in very early Spring, as evidenced by the sparse vegetation of the fields. I had just downloaded Pioneer Woman's free actions for Photoshop and was eager to try them out. I used Soft & Faded on this one, then sharpened it slightly and called it a day.
Taken in late May at the pond on the farm where I live. According to Wikepedia, the Great Egret is a large bird with all white plumage that can reach 101 cm in height and weigh up to 950 g. It is only slightly smaller than the Great Blue or Grey Herons. Apart from size, the Great Egret can be distinguished from other white egrets by its yellow bill and black legs and feet. It also has a slow flight, with its neck retracted.
No, you're not seeing double here. This is a new blog and I just heard from a viewer, who's using Firefox, that the pictures are cut off. I'm using a 22" inch screen. The picture in this post has been set to 640 pixels which should cover standard screens (I think). The picture in the duplicate post is set to 1000 pixels. If you do not see a complete border around each picture, it's been cut off. Please let me know if anyone is having problems. I want to do this right!
I noticed this morning that the Black-Eyed Susans are beginning to bloom. I just thought they looked so interesting close-up like this. The Black-Eyed Susan is the Maryland state flower, designated so in 1918. They are probably the best known of the Coneflowers, so named due to the cone shape of their center. I'm just so full of facts today.
This photo was taken in mid-May. George likes sitting by the fence and watching the horses. Sure, he'd love to herd them, but he's not permitted in the paddocks. So he enjoys sitting nearby and giving them the 'eye' like he's doing here. George turns one year old this coming week.
Welcome to my new blog. I'm just trying this one out for size. You can visit me at my regular place. This was taken last week after a light rain. This little guy came over to the fence to see what I was up to.
I took this photo two months ago in late May when the foals on the farm were young. Most of them are gone now, with their mothers, back to the farms from whence they came. When you touch them, they feel like velvet. Move slowly, as they don't like it when your actions are too swift.
I took this picture in late May at a barn along the road. I saw these beautiful roses climbing up the edge of the barn and had to pull over. Luckily I had my macro lens on the camera. After I got home, I used a couple of Photoshop actions on it. I used Fuji Snappit that I'd just purchased from Kevin Kubota's site. I also used a free one that I had acquired as a sample through Totally Rad Actions, called Super Fun Happy, reducing the opacity just enough to give it a soft hue.
I took this picture in the paddock behind our house on the horse farm. Then I used Pioneer Woman's vintage action in Photoshop to give it this look. I thought it looked pretty cool this way.
My name is Kate. I live in Maryland with a border collie named George in an old manor house that predates the Revolutionary War. I began this blog in 2007 to share my photography with my family and friends. Welcome.