Four of my nieces and two of my sisters at the memorial service for my father. It was a lovely mass in the Catholic church near my sister Char's home. Afterwards, we all returned to Char & Dave's to relax and reminesce about dad. Note the shirts worn by the three nieces in the center. My mother had a penchant for purchasing clothes for dad. When she found something he liked, or rather she liked, she bought one in every color. He had about ten of these shirts and he looked handsome in every one of them. So ten of us wore them back at the house. Also note the eyepatches. My father wore one for years, due to a macular condition he had. He told all the grandchildren he was a retired pirate.
Pictured above, left to right, are Melanie, my sister Char, Samantha, Danielle, Emily and my sister Ginny.
Pictured below, left to right, are me, Judy, Char and Ginny. I would have loved to stay late and have lemondrop martini's with them but needed to get home to my husband. I know he missed me terribly.

I love my family.