When it snows, my husband clears my car for me and gets it ready to go to work. Tuesday was my first day back to school (work) after having had over a week's worth of snow days. My husband got the car ready for me and shot this picture just after it had begun to snow. Again.
Isn't it great to have a husband who knows how and will take care of your car?
nice....i need one of those...husbands that is
That is such a cool car.You are lucky to have such a nice hubby.
♥♥ Love Hugs and Good Thoughts ♥♥
wow, you guys did get a sh**load of snow there! what a sweet hubby, too. :)
GAH .... and flurries tonite ..followed by more snow Monday into Tuesday .. okay .. enough ... West 80th was a sheet of ice yesterday morning ..
That's a good man. Those kind of things are worth gold to me!
You have had so much snow. All our spring flowers are in bloom or about to pop out.
That was so sweet of home, but more snow....oh my!
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