My husband took this photo during one of his many walks outside this morning. We're in the midst of a rip-roarin' snowstorm and so far, life is good. Let's hope the power stays on.
My name is Kate. I live in Maryland with a border collie named George in an old manor house that predates the Revolutionary War. I began this blog in 2007 to share my photography with my family and friends. Welcome.
Batten down the hatches!
I've always wanted to say that. :)
We got about 3-4 inches here and may get a little more this afternoon. Driveway shoveled, pancakes eaten. Going out soon to take some pics. :)
That is a beautiful photo. Good luck with the storm and the snow.
It is the most incredible thing to me, that those little tiny creatures can survive so well in such a storm... LUV'IN this photo! Stay safe & warm.
So pretty ... such hearty birds
Great picture - warmed my heart and brought a big smile!
Beautiful Kate. Your husband is such a wonderful photographer.
Did you add a texture to it to bring out the brown shades?
Ha! I find birds so much more interesting in snow...had a visitor myself...smiles.
So you are both wonderful photographers I see! Hope you weathered the storm ok and that you still have power!
Kat :)
oh I'm cheering for them..their markings are like a painting...stay safe you tow(and George)
Wonderful pic! Such a peaceful photo.
I love the tones in this photo!
Great photo. Glad to say it's not snowing here!
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