It was a gray day today and I shot this photo of a sparrow out my kitchen window. Looking forward to a big TV night with Ellen as a new host of the Survivor Singing Show and Lost both on the same night. The excitement mounts. Even the dog is excited. But I think it's only because of his New Favorite Toy in the Whole World. That's why.
Me gusta mucho esta foto, tiene un enfoque y una textura especial.
Saludos, Joe
Oh Kate, that is so beautiful! Love your new watermark, too. :)
That photo is exquisite! And yes, I had to check out George's new toy. My two rotten girls would love that! -Tammy
sweet little shot - love the softness
Beautiful little sparrow!
I love LOST!!!
Hey little bird, are you ready for snow? Hopefully you're being well fed ; )
Ellen did a good job. I think they must have worked with her before hand telling her to tone it down a touch. Unfortunately we stopped watching Lost a couple years ago when they changed the time to 10 PM.
Any suggestions on watermarks Kate?
This little birdie is thinking how lucky she is to know you, Kate!
I think she is whispering "thanks".
Fabulous shot .. not sure what sweeter that bird or the amazing looking bark on the tree limb
Gorgeous shot!!!
It has been gray lately, no? Cute shot. I have been taking pics of birds for two days now!
I don't watch either of those shows. We are more into the CSI's and food network.
If you could pay for only the channels you watch our company would go broke with us!
I love the soft warm quality of this photo...it almost glows, even though the color is so muted.
I wonder if Joe wants to tutor me in Spanish. And I wish I could take pictures out my window and have them look this fab!
kate- you are amazing!
such a soft look ...
My jaw dropped when I opened this image...it is breath taking. The perfect little bird, the beautiful detailed branch..that freaking beautiful background...OMG! Seriously...I am sitting here in awe!
I know it sounds crazy but it brings tears to my eyes...it's stunning!
Well thank you everyone. I usually respond via e-mail but some of you don't have your profile set to enable me to see your e-mail. It's easy to do, you know. You go to your dashboard, then edit profile on the left, then to privacy and 'show e-mail address'.
To Sue, wow. Thank you so much.
~ k
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