My husband asked me if I bought this bottle of wine just for the label. You see, he knows me because the answer was yes. Oh, yes I did.
At first, I wondered why she would be flying next to her bike naked, but after pondering it, I came to the conclusion that it's actually the bike that's flying and not her. I think she was about to get dressed, saw the bike flying by and ran out of her apartment and grabbed it by the handlebars.
Flypaper Texture: Elysiam normal blend @ 22%
Look at those pedals. Wings? Love it!
LOL love your explanation
very art deco
You've got to soak that label off carefully and frame it... :)
I think the bike is a bit crazy.. a cyclepath. ;)
May be in hurry - a gift for someone.
LOL. I wanna go with her....
I bought a Malbec named Layer Cake, how could I resist?
LOL, I love it too. Esp those wings on the pedals. :D
Oooh - what Mary said. That would look so good framed!
this is a great wine label kate. good find.
yes, she forgot to dress in her hurry to catch the flying bicycle :)
Interesting!! I love it. Please let us know if the wine is as impressive as the bottle.
Funny, I buy wine for the color of the bottles.
great story...was the wine good? ;)
Some days I feel I'm flying naked and I am fully dressed... I hope the wine was as robust as the bicycle and it's hanger on...
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