Sorry I haven't been keeping up with what this blog is titled. You'd think I could at least come up with a single picture a day, wouldn't you?
This is Mary Mahoney's, one of the South's most unique restaurants, located in Biloxi, MS. Established as a restaurant in 1964, it is actually situated in a home that was built in 1737, making it even older than the home I live in (1769). And I hear that the food is absolutely fantastic.
Great photo Kate! I wonder if the food is any good at the restaurant.
One picture a day is more work than most people think, especially when you photoshop all your pictures. I've noticed many who give up their 365 projects after a few months.
I have given up on my other blog too : / As if one isn't enough work!
Lovely shadows .. is that kudzu or ivy?
Looks like a very neat place. I love old houses! We once rented a vacation home in VT that was built in the 18th century. Dan and I loved it, but it creeped the kids out...
Yeah, I'm thinking I have to retrench, blog-wise. How did I get into all this? !
mmmmmmmmmmmm, i would love to eat there
Love the pic.
It's got to be hard with 2 blogs, I can't keep up with 1.
it sounds very quaint...
and wow...your home is old too!
that's awesome. i thought that my 1901 was old. :)
Let's go!.....smiles.
That makes me want cheese grits. Actually, I always want cheese grits.
this is great!
Looks like an AWESOME place. LOVE that big old tree!!
I LOVE seeing your pics - even if you don't post them daily!! Such a joy to visit!!
I like that tree
I've heard they have very good food too!
I loved it, but it creeped the kids out..
data entry work from home
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