Cleaning is a tough job and I have a love / hate relationship with it. I love it when it's clean. I just hate doing it sometimes. But if I take it in stages, and take it slow, well then it works so much better.
For more mosaics please visit my friend, Mary at Little Red House where she hosts a weekly theme for these. Enjoy your day.
Beautiful Mosaic picture!
I love your blog. I want to learn photography from you...
Ooooo, pretty! Now wasn't that worth it?
OK, now you need to give me a pep talk.. ;)
Great looking mosaic!
I think we all have that realtionship with the spring cleaning. One room at a time is a good idea, getting started is a better one.
Enjoyed your mosaic.
Cute theme! I need to do my Spring cleaning.
Gorgeous photos in your mosaic!!! Spring cleaning makes me nauseous.
Yes, I feel the same about spring cleaning, I ignore it until the sun shines in a room and I find all the dust. Then I am surprised, where did it all come from.
looks great
Hi Kate...Spring cleaning is a pain, but you're right...stages are the best way to go, which is why I start in Jan.!!! :) Love your flower arrangement!
Know what you mean about cleaning! Love your mosaic and I adore the doorknob shot!!
Every time I see a great mosaic like this I tell myself I've got to create one. Yours is beautiful. Several great photos combined to make one really great mosaic.
Lovely mosaic. I love the stairsrunner.
You have such a great eye for things that go together.
Very nice. I love my visits to your blog!
I love the door knob
and all the wonderful colors
I scrubbed the bathroom this weekend and got new towels and a new curtain - that was the extent of my inspiration
Sure .. rub it in twice .. LOL ..
Ugh. I feel the same way. I love it when it is finished but dread actually doing it. Now that the drywall dust has settled from basement construction, I can start the difficult task of eradicating it from every crevice of my home.
Love the doorknob photo. I started my "spring cleaning" in February, right after I found a young woman who loves to organize. We're working through my basement, then on to the garage and the junk drawers. Having her there compels me to follow through on my resolution.
Good mosiac.
Oh No! Thanks for reminding me it is time to get spring cleaning! Beautiful pictures...
It won't be long before you can throw open the windows and let spring inside!
Sigh. I did some cleaning here, too;)
Beautiful mosaic Katie! My favorite picture there is the orange and yellow flowers with the green leaves. I have always liked anything that has that color combination.
Beautiful! You made cleaning worth it! Happy Mosaic Monday!
Wonderful combination of color & texture!
This mosaic is really, really nice Kate.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Beautiful..feels so warm and cozy..
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